Rob's Songs on Spotify



Rob considers “Together” to be his “signature” original song. Rob adds, “The first soft-rock track was recorded at Dangerous Music, with the great keyboardist/musical director Adam Chalk crafting arrangements on the fly and leading the band through 14 original songs in three days. Then a few years later the electro, R&B version was produced to perfection in the garage recording studio of an immensely talented studio Engineer know affectionately as “Notes!

Rainy Day Woman

Rainy Day Woman

The soft-rock RDVersion of Rob’s original song, “Rainy Day Woman,” voted “The Favorite” of the album – by the band!

Is this Love?

Is This Love

Enjoy Rob’s RDVersion of the Bob Marley classic, “Is This Love?” Featuring Sylvanna Mulcare.

Born to be Your Lover

Born to be Your Lover.

Unfortunately I am responsible for more hair-brained stupidity than I would like to admit, but  can’t help doing so when it comes to this song, which was inspired purely by my realization about what a jerk I’d been. I’ll leave it to you to contemplate what my fate may have been, and to hopefully think twice about what the effect of some word or action you may be contemplating, is likely to be!

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Rob Davis Songs and Albums

Rob Davis Songs and Albums