Rob’s Thoughts on His Idol - The Great One - SINATRA!
When I was a mere lad, music was a big part of the household. My mother had been a touring concert pianist with a bow in her hair as early as 8 years old, under the guiding and sometimes cruel hand of her teacher and mother’s sister, Aunt Belle. Mom finally escaped her, transforming to a singer/actress as an adult. It was in an acting workshop called “The Group” that she met my Dad, a man of many looks and voices with a photographic memory. At the time Dad was making waves in the radio business, because he could play multiple characters In a single script. It made him a valuable member of any cast and helped kick off his life-long career as a “character actor.”
One early memory I have of our household was the ever-present music of Sinatra. While Mom continued playing classics until days before she left us, she was also smitten by Sinatra’s blue eyes, voice and style. She’d often allowed that, “If not for your Dad…”
So it was, that while I grew up in the era of emerging rock’n roll, including Elvis, The Everly Brothers, Dion, The Beatles and The Rolling Stones, Frank was ever present in the background. I collected photos, records, CD’s & Videos. I wanted to be THAT cool on a stage too. But of course that is the pipe-dream of every singer!
Rob Davis Music
Rob Davis Music

See Rob’s Performance Videos Below

Rob Davis Music
Rob Davis Music
My music life started when I began to play the trumpet and sing in chorus in the 4th grade. Over the years, amongst school, relationships, children, career and other matters of life, music has always had a role of some magnitude. Primary influences include Elvis, Sinatra, Dillon, Beatles, Cat Stevens, John Denver, Carol King, Carly Simon, James Taylor, Elton John. More recently, John Legend, Usher, and other contemporary artists have weighed in.
Over time, I have written many songs, most of which will probably stay in the notebook, but there are a few, I am embarrassed to admit, that I could listen to several times in a day, then wake up the next day and do it again :)! Right now, I’m on a particular kick to give that part of my life greater focus and energy. So far its been all good.
This website and other steps I’m taking constitute giving that effort shape and direction in the new and rapidly changing world of music. It is not possible to know where it might lead and at this point I’m not at all concerned about that. I am simply devoted to doing my best to produce terrific songs that provide joy to whoever hears them, and let the chips fall where they will.
Right now for example, I’d be really happy if anyone was to listen to a few songs and say, “Wow! This is really good stuff”, and send me a note to that effect. If that were to happen I’d be thrilled. If one was to purchase the album or a track, well that would be over the moon! Finally, delirious is the best word to describe how it would feel if they liked my songs enough, that they then passed the link on to their friends and suggested that they too might like to have a listen. After all, if it is to happen for an indie artist like me, that’s what it takes.
Will any of that happen? Will anyone else like the songs as much as I do, as that is the acid test? Who knows, but so far the effort has already been immensely rewarding and the feedback encouraging. So thank you for your visit here. My hope is that you found it worthwhile and will return. Meanwhile, best to you in your own quest for creative self expression, in whatever ways bring you joy. My hope would be that if appropriate, you would also share them with me. In the meantime…
Warmest Regards,